Parents and members, please show your appreciation to the Sunday School teachers who diligently volunteered to teach Sunday School this past year. We all owe them a big THANK YOU. A good way to show appreciation is to
pre-register your children for next year's Sunday School. You can do that by email (, or by phone (582-2713). If you phone and get the answering machine, just leave your name and number and we'll call you back.
THANKS also to those people who already agreed to teach Sunday School next year. But we will still need more teachers. If you are interested in serving God by serving God's children, please let us know your interest, again either by email or phone.
What did your children tell you after Sunday School? Did they like it, or didn't they? What did they like, and what didn't they like? If you feel comfortable sharing any of that with us, it might help us to make Sunday School even better next year.
Did you appreciate the parents' room Parents' Paradise? Please give us your suggestions for that for next year. Yes, I know we should serve Cappacinos and Lattes, but we may need to work on that goal a little longer.
Parents, thank you for your cooperation in directing your children to Sunday School every Sunday. Continuity is important in teaching and learning. How about making it a Sunday habit for next year?
Ron & Else Schardt