Our parish education year is about to end. This year we have had approximately 35 children attending Sunday School (Age 3 up to Grade 5) with some degree of regularity. Almost twice that number registered, but many only attended occasionally. When parents consider it important that their children learn about God, the children are usually more regular in attendance. Those who attended regularly enjoyed Sunday School.
Children learned about the Parables of the Kingdom, stories of everyday life that Jesus told to help people understand the action of God in the world and in their lives. The Good Seed, The Caring Samaritan, One Coin and Two Sons, First and Last in the Kingdom, God’s Great Banquet were the parable stories learned. Finally, the year concluded with a unit about how God’s Holy Spirit works in people’s lives and in the church.
We owe a big obligation of thanks to the Sunday School teachers who faithfully volunteered their time and expertise from September to May, and also to those who directed the middle school and adult education programs. These ministers of Holy Trinity who nurture the faith of children and adults do a tremendous service to the congregation with their immeasurable contribution in terms of time and talents. We are also grateful to members of the senior High School Youth group who taught the final 4-week unit in Grades 2 to 5, and to Sara McCaw who supervised them. Sunday School and Parish Education people will be formally recognized during services on Sunday, May 20.
Pre-registration for next year (2007-2008) will be available on May 13 and May 20, the last two Sundays of the education year. Parents may pre-register their children in the Parents’ Room near the back entrance to the building during the Sunday School hour. Registration on Rally Day in September will also be possible.