Sunday School Room
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Christmas is Coming!!

Sunday School classes are collecting offering money for a special animal project for needy families in Africa.

The children have chosen a cow, goat, and pig for their project, so we hope you will encourage them and share in their excitement.

For the Christmas program to be held on SUNDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 16, FROM 6 TO 7 P.M, PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:

1. The children will practice during their regular Sunday School times in December, but there will be an additional practice time from 12 noon until 1 p.m. on Saturday, December 15, at the church.

2. On Sunday, December 16, there will be caroling in the afternoon, followed by a simple meal at 5:00 for everyone, and the program will then start at 6:00.

The children will sing at various times during the program, and following the middle school play, Sunday School children will participate in acting out the Nativity scene.

Thanks to our teachers and to parents and other family members who faithfully bring their young people to Sunday School. Blessings to you all for this Advent and Christmas as we celebrate God's marvelous love in sending Jesus for each one of us. Share the Good News with others in special ways!

Else and Ron Schardt