Sunday School Room
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February News


Thank you to Sara McCaw and the High School Youth for teaching the January unit, Jesus Blesses Children, in the Grades 2 to 5 classes. We consider it very important to allow our young people the opportunity and pleasure of working with Sunday School classes. They will be our Sunday School teachers in future years. We are pleased that that they will again teach another unit in the Beginners to Grade 1 classes beginning in the middle of February.

On Sunday afternoon, Jan. 20th, regular Sunday School teachers gathered for another training session. They studied the Bible text for the next unit they will teach, Early Christian Community, and began planning the curriculum for the spring months.

Looking ahead, Global Fest will be on April 20th. International speakers will visit children's classes, adult forum, and youth classes on the two Sundays prior to Global Fest. They will also be present again for Global Fest. More detailed planning will begin soon. We would love to have some parents volunteer to help with the planning.

Thanks to you parents who faithfully bring your children to Sunday School, even in the severe weather we have seen lately. Attendance has not slacked off due to weather. It is good to see that you believe Sunday School is important for your children's Christian upbringing and growth. Please assist your children in inviting their friends to come along to Sunday School, too.

Don't forget, the Parents' Room is available while you wait for your children. Adult forum opportunities are also available during the Sunday School hour. You are welcome to attend.