Sunday School Room
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April Sunday School News

On Palm Sunday the Sunday School classes will study the Easter story, since there will be no Sunday School classes on Easter Sunday. After that, all classes will begin a 4-week series on the Pentecost story, emphasizing the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in our world. Senior High Youth will teach Grades 2 to 5 for this unit, supervised by Sara McCaw, and assisted by the regular class teachers.

The Parents' Room (Parents' Paradise) has been occupied almost every Sunday by several parents (and sometimes also grandparents), who enjoyed visiting while their children were in classes. These have been mostly parents with infants or younger children to care for during the Sunday School hour. All parents of children in Sunday School are welcome to enjoy visiting over a cup of coffee at Parents' Paradise.

Note: Parents will be invited to PRE-REGISTER their children for next year (2007-2008) on May 13 and May 20. Registration forms will be available in the Parents' Room.

Ron & Else Schardt