Sunday School Room
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“Church Year Celebration”

Rally day will start with a “Church Year Celebration” in the LFC between services. There will be activities to introduce the Sunday School Units for this year. These activities will include crafts, games, and drama.

Picnic Lunch and Pie Sale

At noon there will be a picnic lunch of brats and burgers. The cost will be $5.00.

The HTLC Youth will also be selling slices of homemade Door County Cherry Pie.

Cost: $2.50 slice, $3.00 ala mode.

February News


Thank you to Sara McCaw and the High School Youth for teaching the January unit, Jesus Blesses Children, in the Grades 2 to 5 classes. We consider it very important to allow our young people the opportunity and pleasure of working with Sunday School classes. They will be our Sunday School teachers in future years. We are pleased that that they will again teach another unit in the Beginners to Grade 1 classes beginning in the middle of February.

On Sunday afternoon, Jan. 20th, regular Sunday School teachers gathered for another training session. They studied the Bible text for the next unit they will teach, Early Christian Community, and began planning the curriculum for the spring months.

Looking ahead, Global Fest will be on April 20th. International speakers will visit children's classes, adult forum, and youth classes on the two Sundays prior to Global Fest. They will also be present again for Global Fest. More detailed planning will begin soon. We would love to have some parents volunteer to help with the planning.

Thanks to you parents who faithfully bring your children to Sunday School, even in the severe weather we have seen lately. Attendance has not slacked off due to weather. It is good to see that you believe Sunday School is important for your children's Christian upbringing and growth. Please assist your children in inviting their friends to come along to Sunday School, too.

Don't forget, the Parents' Room is available while you wait for your children. Adult forum opportunities are also available during the Sunday School hour. You are welcome to attend.

Christmas is Coming!!

Sunday School classes are collecting offering money for a special animal project for needy families in Africa.

The children have chosen a cow, goat, and pig for their project, so we hope you will encourage them and share in their excitement.

For the Christmas program to be held on SUNDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 16, FROM 6 TO 7 P.M, PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:

1. The children will practice during their regular Sunday School times in December, but there will be an additional practice time from 12 noon until 1 p.m. on Saturday, December 15, at the church.

2. On Sunday, December 16, there will be caroling in the afternoon, followed by a simple meal at 5:00 for everyone, and the program will then start at 6:00.

The children will sing at various times during the program, and following the middle school play, Sunday School children will participate in acting out the Nativity scene.

Thanks to our teachers and to parents and other family members who faithfully bring their young people to Sunday School. Blessings to you all for this Advent and Christmas as we celebrate God's marvelous love in sending Jesus for each one of us. Share the Good News with others in special ways!

Else and Ron Schardt


Rally Day on Sunday, September 9th at 9:45 am, kicks off our Parish Education program for the coming school year. Participants can register for Sunday School and meet with their teachers and see their rooms.

Registration will be in the Fellowship Hall downstairs.

Our Parish Education program is for all ages! There will be tables to register for three year old through fifth grade classes, Middle School Youth, Senior High Youth, Adult Bible Studies and Forum’s. There will also be information about other educational groups and activities for the year.

Please call the church at 583-3228 or Ron & Else Schardt at 582-2713 if you have any questions, suggestions or are willing to volunteer with the Parish Ed. Program.

End of Sunday School Year 2007

Parents and members, please show your appreciation to the Sunday School teachers who diligently volunteered to teach Sunday School this past year. We all owe them a big THANK YOU. A good way to show appreciation is to
pre-register your children for next year's Sunday School. You can do that by email (, or by phone (582-2713). If you phone and get the answering machine, just leave your name and number and we'll call you back.

THANKS also to those people who already agreed to teach Sunday School next year. But we will still need more teachers. If you are interested in serving God by serving God's children, please let us know your interest, again either by email or phone.

What did your children tell you after Sunday School? Did they like it, or didn't they? What did they like, and what didn't they like? If you feel comfortable sharing any of that with us, it might help us to make Sunday School even better next year.

Did you appreciate the parents' room Parents' Paradise? Please give us your suggestions for that for next year. Yes, I know we should serve Cappacinos and Lattes, but we may need to work on that goal a little longer.

Parents, thank you for your cooperation in directing your children to Sunday School every Sunday. Continuity is important in teaching and learning. How about making it a Sunday habit for next year?

Ron & Else Schardt

May Sunday School News

Our parish education year is about to end. This year we have had approximately 35 children attending Sunday School (Age 3 up to Grade 5) with some degree of regularity. Almost twice that number registered, but many only attended occasionally. When parents consider it important that their children learn about God, the children are usually more regular in attendance. Those who attended regularly enjoyed Sunday School.

Children learned about the Parables of the Kingdom, stories of everyday life that Jesus told to help people understand the action of God in the world and in their lives. The Good Seed, The Caring Samaritan, One Coin and Two Sons, First and Last in the Kingdom, God’s Great Banquet were the parable stories learned. Finally, the year concluded with a unit about how God’s Holy Spirit works in people’s lives and in the church.

We owe a big obligation of thanks to the Sunday School teachers who faithfully volunteered their time and expertise from September to May, and also to those who directed the middle school and adult education programs. These ministers of Holy Trinity who nurture the faith of children and adults do a tremendous service to the congregation with their immeasurable contribution in terms of time and talents. We are also grateful to members of the senior High School Youth group who taught the final 4-week unit in Grades 2 to 5, and to Sara McCaw who supervised them. Sunday School and Parish Education people will be formally recognized during services on Sunday, May 20.

Pre-registration for next year (2007-2008) will be available on May 13 and May 20, the last two Sundays of the education year. Parents may pre-register their children in the Parents’ Room near the back entrance to the building during the Sunday School hour. Registration on Rally Day in September will also be possible.

April Sunday School News

On Palm Sunday the Sunday School classes will study the Easter story, since there will be no Sunday School classes on Easter Sunday. After that, all classes will begin a 4-week series on the Pentecost story, emphasizing the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in our world. Senior High Youth will teach Grades 2 to 5 for this unit, supervised by Sara McCaw, and assisted by the regular class teachers.

The Parents' Room (Parents' Paradise) has been occupied almost every Sunday by several parents (and sometimes also grandparents), who enjoyed visiting while their children were in classes. These have been mostly parents with infants or younger children to care for during the Sunday School hour. All parents of children in Sunday School are welcome to enjoy visiting over a cup of coffee at Parents' Paradise.

Note: Parents will be invited to PRE-REGISTER their children for next year (2007-2008) on May 13 and May 20. Registration forms will be available in the Parents' Room.

Ron & Else Schardt